On a whim, I made cupcakes with Whoppers to bring to a party! Not to be confused with the Burger King Whopper, Whoppers are milk chocolate malted milk balls made by the Hershey Company. They have a teeny bit less fat than some other chocolate candies and, hey, have calcium in them! Not that I am trying to say they are healthy…

Whoppers and un-iced cupcake

I followed a recipe I like for a lighter chocolate cake, but I used only 2/3 of the cocoa it calls for. I put one cup of Whoppers in a zipped plastic baggy and went at them with a hammer. I added these crushed candies to the batter and baked as normal.

I was expecting the crushed Whoppers to really flavor these cakes, but the maltiness didn’t really come through very much. They just tasted, to me, like a very light chocolate cake. I was also thinking that the Whoppers might remain as chunks in the cake, but the candy mostly dissolved into the batter.

Whoppers Cupcakes

The consensus was that the cupcakes were good, but some had a hard time placing the flavor. “What spice is in these?” asked one party guest. (Um, only the finest ground Whopper seed?) Adding malted milk powder to the batter would have been a good idea, but I did not think of that until later!

I finished with a buttery, sugary vanilla buttercream that turned out especially well this time, according to one frequent Amélie-cupcake taster. I topped, of course, with a whole Whopper on each cupcake after frosting.

Amelie with Whoppers cupcakes

I decided to make cookies and cream cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for my boyfriend’s birthday party. He doesn’t like his sweets super chocolatey, but he is a fan of the Oreo. The recipe I used was from Annie’s Eats, except I did not put a cookie at the bottom. (I did add extras to the batter. No one complained.)

You see, I had another cookie idea, and it couldn’t be buried at the bottom of a cupcake.

penguin cookie cutter

My man, as it happens, is a fan of penguins. When I came across this cookie cutter in a local shop, I knew I had to do something with it for him.

I wanted a cookie close in taste and texture to an Oreo wafer, so I searched for a chocolate wafer recipe, settling on one from FoodNetwork.com. They didn’t turn out to be as intense in flavor as I might like, but in combination with the cupcakes, they worked. (And I perhaps like my flavor more intense than average.)

I iced their tummies, gave them eyes, and my waddle of penguins was ready to party.

penguin cupcakes

We had a lot of fun with these guys during the birthday celebration, both before and during their consumption. Watch the video.

The second photo is by me, the above and the nice cookie cutter shot are © Jason Yung.